Germany breaks green energy record by generating 35% of power from renewables in first half of 2017

Germany breaks green energy record by generating 35% of power from renewables in first half of 2017

"Country is looking to shut down nuclear plants by 2022" BEE renewable energy association shows that Germany managed to increase the amount of

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“Country is looking to shut down nuclear plants by 2022”

BEE renewable energy association shows that Germany managed to increase the amount of power produced by renewable energy to 35%, in the first six months of 2017, of all energy production, which is raise of 2 % comparing to the same period last year.

Renewable Energy Act was reformed this year decreasing renewable energy costs for users had some influence on the continuous rise of renewable energy during last two decades.

This year, on sunny and windy days, Germany managed to produce up to 85% of electricity from renewable sources.

The Wind, hydro and solar power produced 35 % of country’s electricity in the first half of the year, as stated by BEE.

The government placed goals that by 2050 country should go to decarbonised economy and increase renewable energy production to 80%.

Furthermore, the government wants to decrease greenhouse gas emissions by 40% in 2020 comparing to 1990 levels and 95 % by 2050.