Are you sure about your utilities being sustainable and eco-friendly?

Are you sure about your utilities being sustainable and eco-friendly?

Although most people blame the utilities and energy industry due to its carbon emissions, yet in comparison to a few other industries, the utility sec

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Although most people blame the utilities and energy industry due to its carbon emissions, yet in comparison to a few other industries, the utility sector is leading in adopting the latest eco-friendly practices. As per a survey done by Oxford Economics, utilities and energy industry executives have successfully made several eco-friendly changes to their operations.

Moreover, more than half of the utilities and energy respondents have resolved to a ‘0- carbon goal’ which is huge in comparison with the other industries in the survey (more than 1000 global respondents).

Transition your home to a green home – The best way of saving energy

There’s no doubt when we say that transitioning your home into a green home is one of the wisest ways of saving energy and being good to the environment. When you’re environmentally conscious, this not only saves our planet Earth but it also reduces your utility bills. Adopting a green life will initially seem like a blow to your pocket but if you think in the long run, it will certainly save you money.

A green home with green appliances can cut down your energy bills, slash your broadband expenses, reduce water usage and assist you in creating an eco-friendly lifestyle. Here are a few things you can do to transition your home to a green home.

Add water fixtures with low flow

If your kitchen or bathroom doesn’t have utility-saving appliances, it is not just water that is going down the drain – you’re also losing your hard-earned money. There are low-flow options that you can get for your sinks, toilets, showerheads that use considerably less water per minute as against previous models.

Add LED lights

If you’re trying to put a check on your electricity bill, replace all your old-school bulbs with LED bulbs. LED lights consume less energy than conventional lights and hence they are more effective. Most of the LEDs have a lifespan of 10 years and this even automatically replaces the need to change them too often.

 Switch to green internet

As the internet is here to stay, it can’t happen at the cost of massive energy consumption. When the present set-up of the internet is improved for reducing greenhouse gas emission and available energy is used judiciously, we start transitioning into green internet. Telecom companies and gadget manufacturers work together to manufacture environment-friendly devices that have the best energy-saving features. Choose cheap deals on broadband so that you don’t need a landline for getting access to the internet. You can use your Apple iPhone or your usual smart phone with a sim only option to access high-speed unlimited data.

Insulate your home

Insulating your home property is certainly a good way of minimizing your carbon footprint and saving energy. In case your home is not insulated properly, you can feel money and air slipping through your pockets. So, you need to upgrade the insulation of your home and reduce the cooling and heating bills up to at least 50%. Start with the attic as insulating the attic can be done quickly, easily, and is also cost-effective.

Switch to energy-efficient appliances

Did you know that appliances like dryers, washing machines, dishwashers, and refrigerators account for 20% of the electricity bill of your home? You should upgrade to Energy Star-certified appliances so that you can save money every year. Energy Star certified washing machines consume 50% less energy and 50% less water than their non-sustainable counterparts. Watch out for the yellow Energy Guide label to compare the consumption of energy among similar models. You even get discounts when you buy Energy Star appliances for your home.

Therefore, if you can implement any or all of these above-mentioned water and energy-saving tips, you can save a chunk of your utility expenses. With subtle alterations and little elbow grease, it is possible to lower your bills and adopt an eco-friendly life.